Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
התוכנית ללימודי ניתוח התנהגות יישומי
ABA Supervision Program for English Speaking Students (ABA SPESS)
Fall 2024 Semester
Program Description:
The ABA Supervision Program for English Speaking Students (ABA SPESS) is designed for English speaking students currently living in Israel but completing their ABA coursework through an online ABA program. To complete BCBA certification (and also complete requirements for Licensure in New York as a behavior analyst, if applicable) ABA students need to complete supervised experience hours through a Practicum course in which they engage in a range of behavior analytic activities.
The ABA SPESS program will provide ABA graduate students with Practicum opportunities and relevant mentored clinical and research opportunities that will support, complement and enhance their online graduate educational experience. Students are expected to complete the required number of supervised experience hours toward their practicum courses as well as supervised experience hours required by the BACB (and New York State Licensure, if applicable).
Practicum Opportunities:
The supervised clinical experiences will meet the requirements set forth by the New York State Education Department for Licensed Behavior Analysts and Certified Behavior Analyst Assistants. In addition, the supervised clinical experiences will meet the supervision requirements set forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) for Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) and Board Certified.
The clinical exposures may include behavior analytic experience across a variety of environments, such as school, small group and individual staff training, school-wide and individual interventions, behavior management strategies, and curriculum development which are related to the student’s licensure or certification process.
Research. As part of student’s supervised experience hours in the ABA SPESS program, students may also participate in a Research Project conducted through the Applied Behavior Analysis Program in the department of continuing education and professional development in the Shlomo (Seymour) School of Education at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
*Please note: Finding clinical experiences in English, in Jerusalem, may be challenging. We will make every effort to find placements that are in English. However, we ask that students also search independently within their English-speaking communities and spread the word that they are looking for experience opportunities. Finding your own experience placement is the best! If we cannot find a clinical experience site in English, we will try to find a clinical experience site in Hebrew. We will work individually with each student to make sure that the clinical experiences are appropriate.
In the event that no clinical experience site is identified after three weeks from the start of the semester, we will freeze supervision until a clinical experience site is secured. In the unusual case that a placement is not found within 8 weeks from the start of the semester, and a student decides not to continue with the ABA SPESS program, we will grant a majority refund. See more details regarding this refund in the registratio/payment form.
Sara Bauer, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA, and Neal Bauer, PsyD., NYS and Israel Licensed Psychologist, and Eyal Cohen, MA BCBA, PsyD., NYS and Israel are employees of The Shlomo (Seymour) Fox School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and will provide supervision to the students as they complete clinical activities.
The supervisor(s) of the students will be either Board Certified Behavior Analysts who have completed the necessary education requirement to serve as supervisor(s) and/or Licensed Behavior Analyst(s) in the state of New York and/or Licensed Psychologists in Israel. All supervisors will abide by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s Professional and Ethical Compliance code for Behavior Analysts and all ethical and professional regulations set forth by the New York State Licensing Board.
Supervision will occur only remotely as well as two in person group meetings at Hebrew University (one at the beginning of the semester and one at the end of the semester). Students will engage in remote individual supervision toward Licensure (weekly, for 14 meetings) with their LBA supervisor. Students will engage in remote individual supervision with their BCBA supervisor (in conjunction with LBA supervisor) once every other week.
Supervision will be provided for students pursuing both their BCBA and LBA in NY. If a student only requires BCBA supervision, but not supervision for the LBA, accommodations will be made. See below for a breakdown of supervision frequency and meeting requirements for those pursuing both their BCBA and LBA:
BCBA and LBA – Students interested in pursuing both certification through the BACB and New York State Licensure will participate in weekly individual remote supervision with Dr. Neal Bauer (toward the NYS Licensure in Behavior Analysis) and remote supervision with Dr. Sara Bauer (toward BCBA, every other week). Remote supervision with both Dr. Neal Bauer and Dr. Sara Bauer will occure simultaneously. In addition, students will participate in two in person group supervision meeting with Eyal Cohen, MA, BCBA, and Dr. Sara Bauer at Hebrew University, once in the very beginning of the semester, and once at the very end of the semester. See below for a breakdown of supervision as well as contact information of the supervisors.
Supervision Type | Supervision Time | Supervisor (s) | Supervisor Contact Info |
Group Supervision (Remote) | Every other Sunday morning 9:30am-11:00am | Eyal Cohen, MA, BCBA | eyal.cohen2@mail.huji. |
Individual Supervision (Remote) | TBD | Sara Bauer, Phd, BCBA-D, LBA-NY | |
Individual Supervision (Remote) | TBD | Neal Bauer, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist, Israel and NY | |
Program Duration:
The ABA SPESS program runs on a semester-to-semester basis and provides Part-Time supervision to students seeking their license in Behavior analysis in NY. Program dates will correspond to Daemen College's Practicum semesters (see dates below).
Placements: Upon admission to the ABA SPESS program, we will work together with each student to help identify a practicum placement. Students are expected to be actively involved in the search for a placement, working with clients with ASD in either the home enviroment, center based program, school setting, or at the Hebrew Univesity of Jerusalem.
Student Expectations: As part of the ABA SPESS program, and per the part time guidelines set forth by NYS Office of the professions, students must engage in behavior analytic activities both directly or indirectly with their assigned client(s) for at least 10 but no more than 19 hours per week.
Supervision: Students must meet with their LBA supervisor (Dr. Neal Bauer) 1 time per week face to face as well as with their BCBA supervisor (Dr. Sara Bauer, BCBA-D) at least once every other week. (Per the BACB, students must meet with their BCBA supervisor for 5% of the experience hours accrued during the supervisory period (See BACB Experience Standard Document for clarification). This means that students will meet with Dr. Sara Bauer for 5% of the total hours that they work per supervisory period. Drs. Sara and Neal Bauer will coordinate with each student such that tha BCBA supervision sessions will overlap with the LBA supervision session on an individual basis. Students will also meet as a group once at very beginning of the semester and once at the end of the semester for BCBA group supervision with Eyal Cohen, BCBA and Dr. Sara Bauer.
Tuition: Tuition will cost 5,700 NIS (New Israeli Shekel) per semester + 300 NIS registration fee for the part-time track. When converted to USD, this becomes approximately a total of $1,758 per semester in addition to an approximate $92.50 registration fee. Tuition must be paid to Hebrew University in NIS.
ABA SPESS Start Date:
The ABA SPESS program will accept enrollment on a rolling basis. That is, students can enroll and begin in either the Fall or Spring semesters. Both Fall and Spring semesters correspond to Daemen College's Fall and Spring semesters.
Spring 2025 Semester | Fall 2024 Semester | |
Week of: | Week of: | |
Registration Information:
For more information about registration and payments, please see the Registration form. If you have further questions or inquiries, we are happy to assist you.
For questions, please contact Dr. Sara Bauer at:
We look forward to welcoming you and working with you!