Learning Disabilities (243)




About the Learning Disabilities concentration

This concentration focuses on three principal sources of difficulty that students with learning disabilities encounter: language (written and spoken), numerical cognition, and attention/executive function. To study these topics you will learn about normal processes and about specific disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia, and attention deficit disorder). The curriculum also includes general courses on topics such as evaluation and measurement, and a practical qualification program for diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with learning disabilities. 

The goal of instruction is to qualify our graduates for further studies (postgraduate) and/or clinical practice in diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities. Students who graduate in this concentration are granted a master’s degree in the concentration of learning disabilities. Students who have written a thesis and achieved the grades required for a postgraduate degree, may enroll in the postgraduate program and will be exempt from graduate conversion courses. Students who graduate without a thesis will be required to complete a thesis if they wish to pursue a postgraduate degree. Your clinical training will be listed on your transcript as proof of qualification for clinical practice. Many of our graduates are employed as learning-disabilities diagnostic teacher-therapists in schools (note that this also requires a teaching certificate), as child and adult educational testers, and learning disability therapists at testing institutions (universities, private organizations, and others).