פרסומים by Year: 2020

Asterhan, C. S. C., & Resnick, M. S. . (2020). Refutation texts and argumentation for conceptual change: A winning or a redundant combination?. Learning and Instruction, 65, 101265. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101265
Asterhan, C. S. C., Howe, C., Lefstein, A., Matusov, E., & Reznitskaya, A. . (2020). Controversies and Consensus in Research on Dialogic Teaching and Learning. Journal of Dialogic Pedagogy, 8. doi:10.5195/dpj.2020.312
Avrahami, J., Ezer, A., Güth, W., Kardosh, N., Kareev, Y., & Zak, U. . (2020). To be at the tail of the lions or the head of the foxes?. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(2), 121-138. doi:10.1002/bdm.2147
Bekerman, Z. . (2020). Reflection on the Dangers of'cultural racism'in Intercultural Education. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 9(1), 1-14. doi:10.7821/naer.2020.1.534
Ben-David Kolikant, Y., Martinovic, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M. . (2020). STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era: Professional Expectations and Advancement in 21st Century Schools. Springer International.
Ben-David Kolikant, Y. . (2020). Discussion: Creating a New World–Teachers’ Work in Innovative Educational Environments. בתוך Y. Ben-David Kolikant, Martinovic, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M. (Eds.), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era - Professional expectations and advancement in 21st Century Schools ('עמ 313-320). Springer.
Ben-David Kolikant, Y., Martinovic, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M. . (2020). Unpacking the STEM field, teacher education and the role of technology. בתוך Y. Ben-David Kolikant, Martinovic, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M. (Eds.), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era - Professional expectations and advancement in 21st Century Schools ('עמ 1-16). Springer.
Ben-Ze'ev, E., & Lomsky-Feder, E. . (2020). Remaking Generational Memory: Practices of de-canonization at historical museums. International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. . (2020). Ethics education in leadership development: Adopting multiple ethical paradigms. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(2), 270-285. doi:10.1177/1741143218792914
Brandes, O., Ben-David Kolikant, Y., & Beeri, C. . (2020). From Practice to Practical: Computer Science Teachers Teaching Teachers. בתוך Y. Ben-David Kolikant, Martinovic, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M. (Eds.), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era - Professional expectations and advancement in 21st Century Schools ('עמ 141-157). Springer.
Cohen, A. . (2020). Teaching to teach civics in fragile times: a conceptual framework. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-22. doi:10.1080/02619768.2020.1748880
Cohen, A. . (2020). Teaching to discuss controversial public issues in fragile times: Approaches of Israeli civics teacher educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, 89. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2019.103013
Eyal, O., Schwartz, T. R., & Berkovich, I. . (2020). Ideological leadership in public schools. Journal of Educational Administration. doi:10.1108/JEA-08-2019-0131
Eyal, O., Da’as, R. ’a, & Berkovich, I. . (2020). Ethical considerations of Bedouin Arab school leaders: Negotiating Eurocentric and indigenous decision-making values. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1741143220913556. doi:10.1177/1741143220913556
Gazit, N., Lomsky-Feder, E., & Ben-Ari, E. . (2020). Military Covenants and Contracts in Motion: Reservists as Transmigrants Ten Years Later. Armed Forces & Society.
Halabi, R., & Horenczyk, G. . (2020). Reincarnation beliefs among Israeli Druze and the construction of a hard primordial identity. Death Studies, 44(6), 347-356. doi:10.1080/07481187.2019.1572674
Hirshman, M., & Satran, D. . (2020). Rabbinic Study Circles: Aspects of Jewish Learning and its Late Antique Context. Studies in Education and Religion in Ancient and Pre-Modern History in the Mediterranean and Its Environs. Germany, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Hirshman, M. . (2020). Rabbinic Literature: Major Trends and current Research. Dialogische Theologie, 195- 210.
Hirshman, M. . (2020). The Development of Tannaitic Aggada and its relationship to Christian readings of the Bible. בתוך A. Siquans (Ed.), Zu unserer Belehrung geschrieben': Die Konstruktion christlicher und judischer Identitaten in der antiken Bibelauslegung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Koller, J., & Lebowitz, E. . (2020). Family accommodation in Autism Spectrum Disorder. בתוך F. Volkmar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorder. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6435-8_102436-1