פרסומים by Year: In Press

Abdu, R., & Schwarz, B. B. . (In Press). Split Up, but Stay Together: Collaboration, Cooperation and Mathematical Problem Solving. Instructional Science.
Ben-Ze'ev, E., & Lomsky-Feder, E. . (In Press). Remaking Generational Memory: Practices of de-canonization at historical museums. International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Gazit, N., Lomsky-Feder, E., & Ben-Ari, E. . (In Press). Military Covenants and Contracts in Motion: Reservists as Trans-migrants Ten Years Later. Armed Forces & Society.
Gumpel, T. P., Koller, J., Weintraub, N., Werner, S., & Wiesenthal, V. . (In Press). The 3P model for creating sustainable educational reform: An epilogue to the special issue. Journal of Educational Administration.
Gumpel, T. P., Koller, J., Weintraub, N., Werner, S., & Wiesenthal, V. . (In Press). Inclusion confusion: Trying to make sense of the diversity in international inclusion literature. Journal of Educational Administration.
Jubran, H., Horenczyk, G., & Benet-Martinez, V. . (In Press). Profiles of multi-cultural identity integration in a conflictual context. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Mana, A., Saka, N., Dahan, O., Ben-Simon, A., & Margalit, M. . (In Press). Implicit theories, social support and hope as serial mediators for predicting academic self-efficacy among higher education students. Disabilities Quarterly.
Palatnik, A., & Stupel, M. . (In Press). Proof without words: A property of a cyclic polygon with an even number of vertices. The College Mathematics Journal.
Pollak, Y., Gabrieli Seri, O., & Dekkers, T. J. . (In Press). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and risk-taking behavior: The case of suboptimal decision making. Movement and Nutrition in Health and Disease.
Resnik, J. . (In Press). Comment l'éducation internationale façonne un capital international : le cas d’une école franco-israélienne. בתוך J. L. Derouet & et R. Malet, B. G. (Eds.), « Éducation, mondialisation et citoyenneté ». Sensepublisher.
Resnik, J. . (In Press). From government to governance: the incorporation of managerial regulation at the Ministry of Education in Israel. בתוך G. Fan & Popkewitz, T. S. (Eds.), The International Handbook of Education Policy Studies: The Education Policy and Reform in the Changing Society. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Resnik, J. . (In Press). Pour une école (moyenne) nouvelle : contexte international et regards croisés sur les réformes structurelles et leurs acteurs en France et Israël (1955-1975). בתוך J. Cahon & Poucet, B. (Eds.), « Le colloque d’Amiens, mars 1968». Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Sabato, H., & Kogut, T. . (In Press). The Development of Children’s Sharing Behavior: Recipients’ and Givers’ Characteristics. בתוך J. Decety (Ed.), The Social Mind-A Developmental Perspective. MIT press.
Sabato, H., & Kogut, T. . (In Press). The development of prosociality among Christian Arab children in Israel: The role of children’s household religiosity and of the recipient’s neediness. Developmental Psychology.
Schwarz, B. B. . (In Press). Transformer le texte écrit en tradition orale en collaborant dans l’argumentation chez les étudiants de Yeshivas. Argumentation et Analyse du discours.
Tsabar, B. . (In Press). On the Existential Significance of ‘Trust’ in the Educational Philosophy of Janusz Korczak. Educational Theory.
Tzemach, U., & Zohar, A. . (In Press). How Ultra-Orthodox man write and academic paper. Dapim (in Hebrew).
Zion-Waldoks, T., Irshai, R., & Shoughry, B. . (In Press). The First Female Qadi in Israel’s Shari`a (Muslim) Courts: Nomos and Narrative. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 38(2).
Zohar, A. . (In Press). Connecting the Islands to a Continent. Jerusalem: Magness.