פרסומים by Year: 2019

Ergas, O., & Hadar, L. L. . (2019). Mindfulness in and as education: A map of a developing academic discourse from 2002 to 2017. Review of Education, 7(3), 757-797. doi:10.1002/rev3.3169
Ergas, O. . (2019). Mindfulness In, As and Of Education: Three Roles of Mindfulness in Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 53(2), 340-358. doi:10.1111/1467-9752.12349
Ergas, O. . (2019). Education and Time: Coming to Terms with the “Insufficiency of Now” Through Mindfulness. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38(2), 113-128. doi:10.1007/s11217-019-09646-3
Ergas, O. . (2019). Education and Mindfulness Practice: Exploring a Dialog Between Two Traditions. Mindfulness, 10(8), 1489-1501. doi:10.1007/s12671-019-01130-w
Ergas, O. . (2019). Education and cosmopolitanism: Liberating our non-cosmopolitan minds through mindfulness. Policy Futures in Education, 1478210319876512. doi:10.1177/1478210319876512
Ergas, O. . (2019). A contemplative turn in education: charting a curricular-pedagogical countermovement. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 27(2), 251-270. doi:10.1080/14681366.2018.1465111
Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I. . (2019). Ethics in third sector–school partnerships: a conceptual framework. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(4), 345-360. doi:10.1108/jea-08-2018-0143
Feldman, I., Koller, J., Lebowitz, E. R., Shulman, C., Itzchak, E. B., & Zachor, D. A. . (2019). Family accommodation in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 49(9), 3602-3610. doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04078-x
Fiedler, K., Schott, M., Kareev, Y., Avrahami, J., Ackerman, R., Goldsmith, M., Mario Ferreira, A. M., ואחרים. (2019). Metacognitive myopia in change detection: A collective approach to overcome a persistent anomaly. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. doi:10.1037/xlm0000751
Fincher, S., Ben-David Kolikant, Y., & Falkner, K. . (2019). Teacher Learning and Professional Development. בתוך S. Fincher & Robins, A. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research ('עמ 727-748). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Gati, I., Levin, N., & Landman-Tal, S. . (2019). Decision-making models and career guidance. בתוך J. A. Athanasou & Perera, H. N. (Eds.), International handbook of career guidance (2nd ed., 'עמ 115-145). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-25153-6_6
Gati, I., & Kulcsar, V. . (2019). Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire [Review]. בתוך K. B. Stoltz & Barclay, S. R. (Eds.), A comprehensive guide to career assessment (7th ed., 'עמ 289-297). Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association.
Gershy, N., & Omer, H. . (2019). Building collaboration within the couples’ system. בתוך E. Heisman & Jude, J. (Eds.), Non-Violent Resistance Innovations in Practice ('עמ 29-38). Pavilion: East Sussex.
Gilead, T. . (2019). Promoting Distributive Justice in Education and the Challenge of Unpredictability. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38(4), 439-451. doi:10.1007/s11217-019-09655-2
Gindi, S., .Kohan-Mass, J., & .Pilpel, A. . (2019). Gender differences in competition among the gifted: The role of single-sex classrooms vs. co-ed classrooms. Roeper Review, 41(3), 199-211.
Hadar, L. L., & Ergas, O. . (2019). Cultivating mindfulness through technology in higher education: a Buberian perspective. AI & SOCIETY, 34(1), 99-107. doi:10.1007/s00146-018-0794-z
Halabi, R., & Horenczyk, G. . (2019). Reincarnation beliefs among Israeli Druze and the construction of a hard primordial identity. Death Studies, 44(6), 347-356. doi:10.1080/07481187.2019.1572674
Hechtlinger, S., Levin, N., & Gati, I. . (2019). Dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs: A multidimensional model and measure. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(2), 209-229. doi:10.1177/1069072717748677
Hechtlinger, S., & Gati, I. . (2019). Reducing dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs: Gender differences in the effectiveness of a group intervention. Journal of counseling psychology, 66(4), 449–460. doi:10.1037/cou0000330
Hechtlinger, S., & Gati, I. . (2019). Assessing dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs and reducing them among discharged soldiers. People at work: Israel Journal of Career Development, 13-14, 43-55 (an abridged Hebrew version of #125 and #127).