פרסומים by Year: 2018

Dekkers, T. J., Agelink van Rentergem, J. A., Huizenga, H. M., Hamutal Raber,, Rachel Shoham,, Arne Popma,, & Yehuda Pollak, . (2018). Decision-making deficits in ADHD are not related to risk seeking but to suboptimal decision-making: Meta-analytical and novel experimental evidence. Journal of attention disorders, 1087054718815572. doi:10.1177/1087054718815572
Deutsch, A., Velan, H., & Michaly, T. . (2018). Decomposition in a non-concatenated morphological structure involves more than just the roots: Evidence from fast priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(1), 85-92. doi:10.1080/17470218.2016.1250788
Diederich, A., Wyszynski, M., & Ritov, I. . (2018). Moderators of framing effects in variations of the Asian Disease problem: Time constraint, need and disease type. Judgment and decision making, 13(6), 529.
Dorfsman, M. I., & Horenczyk, G. . (2018). Educational approaches and contexts in the development of a heritage museum. Journal of Experiential Education, 41(2), 170-186. doi:10.1177/1053825917740155
Dorfsman, M. I. . (2018). The online educator: beyond digitality. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 56(9). doi:10.6018/red/56/9
Dorfsman, M. I. . (2018). The development of discourse in the online environment: between technology and multiculturalism. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), 1-18. doi:10.1186/s41239-018-0110-5
Dori, Y. J., Zohar, A., Fischer-Shachor, D., Kohan-Mass, J., & Carmi, M. . (2018). Gender-fair assessment of young gifted students’ scientific thinking skills. International Journal of Science Education, 40(6), 595-620.
Dori, Y. J., Zohar, A., Fischer-Shachor, D., .Kohan-Mass, J., & Karmi, M. . (2018). Gender-fair assessment of young gifted students’ scientific thinking skills. International Journal of Science Education, 40(6), 595-620.
Elizur, Y., & Somech, L. Y. . (2018). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Effortful Control Mediate the Effect of Parenting Intervention on Preschool Conduct Problems. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 46(8), 1631-1642. doi:10.1007/s10802-018-0412-z
Elizur, Y. . (2018). The Hitkashrut program: Early intervention in young children’s conduct problems. בתוך S. Maital & Shalhevet-Kaniel, R. (Eds.), Issues in Educational Psychology: From theory to practice ('עמ 231-254). The Ministry of Education, Jerusalem. (Hebrew).
Ergas, O., Hadar, L. L., Albelda, N., & Levit-Binnun, N. . (2018). Contemplative neuroscience as a gateway to mindfulness: Findings from an educationally framed teacher learning program. Mindfulness, 9(6), 1723-1735. doi:10.1007/s12671-018-0913-4
Ergas, O. . (2018). Schooled in our own minds: mind-wandering and mindfulness in the makings of the curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 50(1), 77-95. doi:10.1080/00220272.2017.1363913
Eyal, O., & Yarm, M. . (2018). Schools in cross-sector alliances: what do schools seek in partnerships?. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(4), 648-688. doi:10.1177/0013161x18765268
Federman, A., & Ergas, O. . (2018). The Healing Paradox of Controlled Behavior: A Perspective from Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 25, 715-740.
Ganor, T., Mor, N., & Huppert, J. . (2018). Development and Validation of a State-Reappraisal Inventory (SRI). Psychological Assessment, 30(12), 1663-1677. doi:10.1037/pas0000621
Gershy, N., & Gray, S. A. O. . (2018). Parental emotion regulation and mentalization in families of children with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders. doi:10.1177/1087054718762486
Gershy, N. . (2018). The Ward and the Womb: An Integrated Therapeutic Approach for Treatment Resistant Adolescents. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 17(4), 265-278. doi:10.1080/15289168.2018.1526160
Gilead, T. . (2018). From allocative to technical efficiency: reconsidering the basic assumptions of educational productivity. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 50(4), 270-283. doi:10.1080/00220620.2018.1463198
Gilead, T. . (2018). Equality and Equity in Education Finance: A Conceptual Analysis. בתוך Education Finance, Equality, and Equity ('עמ 167-179). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90388-0_9
Halabi, R. . (2018). The Education System as a Mechanism for Political Control: The Education System for the Druze in Israel. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 53(7), 1018-1031. doi:10.1177/0021909618762528